SEA PROJECT>About the Project>The Organizers
The Organizers
The National Art Center, Tokyo

A large-scale exhibition on Southeast Asian contemporary art will be held in 2017 in Roppongi, Tokyo. This exhibition is organized by the National Art Center, Tokyo, the Mori Art Museum, and the Japan Foundation. For this coming exhibition, contemporary artists and/or artworks shall be carefully selected from 10 Southeast Asian (ASEAN) countries, and the preparations are already underway that the curators from Japan’s two representative museums are ardently visiting the countries, meeting the artists, and evaluating their artworks. As one of the main projects leading up to the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games, we will fill Roppongi with Asian art. Please don’t miss it!
- Tamotsu Aoki
- Director, The National Art Center, Tokyo
Mori Art Museum

A contemporary art exhibition which focuses on the 10 Southeast Asian (ASEAN) countries will be held in 2017 co-organized by the National Art Center, Tokyo, the Japan Foundation , and the Mori Art Museum.
The curatorial team, consisting of curators from both museums as well as those who are from the younger generations working in the region, are currently conducting the research very actively.
I hope this exhibition will introduce the contemporary arts of Southeast Asia to a wider audience in Japan. Furthermore, by encouraging mutual understanding and cultural exchange between these countries and Japan, I believe it will also offer a great opportunity to think collectively about the future of Asia.
- Fumio Nanjo
- Director, Mori Art Museum
The Japan Foundation

We are very pleased to announce that preparations are underway for a Southeast Asian art exhibition of an unprecedented scale, planned to be held simultaneously at the National Art Center, Tokyo, and the Mori Art Museum. In this project, four independent curators from Southeast Asia join the curatorial team in the development and realization of the exhibition. Diverse in nationalities, age, and careers, it will be exciting to follow, through this website, how the curatorial team prepares for and organizes an exhibition. Sharing its processes, we hope that it will not only encourage further interest in Southeast Asian art, but also in the histories and cultures of each respective country.
- Hiroyasu Ando
- President, The Japan Foundation